Sunday, May 27, 2012

Scrap book paper themed Flowers.........

use scrap book papers in and interesting way with Flowers as the theme....this was my challenge.... Laura Mchugh from the EAST..........

I gathered some of my favorite colored scrap book papers and a mat board for the background..........

and my tools, a curving tape runner, paper punch, scissors, fancy cutting scissors,  and some washi tape......

I just started cutting.....I love to make these collages using my hands and a pair of pencils, no drawing just let your scissors do the drawing.....

when I have the shapes I like I start the  gluing process..these tape rollers can so around curves so it is very easy and a lot cleaner then glue sticks.....

and here is my finished piece.........using scrap book papers in and interesting way with Flowers as the theme....

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