Sunday, July 1, 2012

Red, White and Blue - Our Colors

Today's art challenge was to do something using only the colors red, white and blue - either 2D or 3D. This challenge was put forth by me (Laura McHugh West) as the kick-off to this month's theme - USA and patriotism.

I started with a cigar box given to me by Patt Sheldon. She brings them to Bad Art Night and decorates them to store her handmade jewelry in.

I liked that this box had strong, clean lines. I wasn't sure what it might end up as, but I went to teh hardware store earlier in the day to buy red, white and blue paint.

I started by painting around the clasp and hinges with blue paint using a small brush.

Then I taped off the top so that the blue paint on the sides would be neat and clean.

I did the same with the sides so I could paint the top white.

I used tape to mask out an area to put a red cross on the front. I was inspired at a recent vintage show by the booth for Seabold Vintage. They have such a clean brand - mostly red and white, with a little blue thrown in there at times.

When I saw the red cross, I knew this would be a first aid kit for my youngest daughter who will be leaving home soon for college. This photo, above, shows that though I masked off the area for the cross, some touch up was required.

I put the numbers along the bottom using some washi tape and the "help" at the top by stamping some tissue using vintage letter stamps.

I attached the tissue with Modg-Podge. Here's how the front (top) of the box turned out.

On the bottom of the box, I put a red, white and blue map of the San Francisco Bay Area. We have lived in and traveled around this area for all of Claire's life. She is driving now and will probably recognize many of these freeways and cities and help her feel more at home.

Here is the box with some first aid supplies inside.

I put the map of her new town - Monterey - on the inside. I added beeswax to the top, bottom and inside.

Here's a pic of the end of the box showing the little feet.

Here I am with my oldest daughter, Kati, applying the washi tape. The images on the front will remind Claire to count to ten when something bad happens.

Here I am painting the first coat of blue around the edge.

The wax always needs a little "hit" from the blowtorch to smooth it out. Dangerous, but fun!

I'm so happy to have this piece to give Claire. She is very patriotic and always looking for a band-aid! It is perfect for her.

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